Sunday, April 20, 2014

奥利奥戚风蛋糕Oreo Chiffon Cake

材料:-(20 cm / 8 吋 中空模一個 )

 85毫升牛奶/ 鮮奶 



***預熱烤箱155度***將粉類過篩2次 (放一旁待用)

 - 蛋黃+植物油,攪拌至完全融合
 - 加入鮮奶,繼續拌均勻 
 - 分3次加入低粉,慢慢輕攪拌均勻
 - 分次加入蛋黄慢慢輕攪拌均勻, 放一旁待用
 - 從冰箱拿出蛋白,用mixer把蛋白打至發泡,分3次加入幼糖,打至乾性發泡- 將Oreo餅乾碎倒入麵糊,輕攪拌至均勻
 - 拌入1/3的蛋白霜至麵糊裡, 攪拌均勻- 將麵糊拌進剩餘的蛋白霜裡, 攪拌至看不見蛋白體- 倒入戚風模,然後往桌面輕敲一兩下 
- 放進已經預熱的烤箱, 用155度烘40分鐘(以個人的烤箱為標准或至熟) 
- 用cake tester插入拿出乾淨就可以出爐倒扣- 蛋糕扣待冷脫模- 享用啦


5 egg yolks
90g of cake flour (sifted twice)
80ml of milk/ fresh milk
50ml of vegetable oil

(Oreo crumb)
6x2 pieces of Oreo biscuit without the cream
- Put into zip-lock bag, lightly crush with hand.

(Egg white)
5 egg whites (keep inside the fridge when preparing the batter)
75g of sugar

***Oven preheated 155 degrees

1. mixed egg yolks and vegetable oil until completely fused
2. Add in milk, Stir well
3. slowly fold in sifted flour, mix till smooth, add in egg yolk each a time, mix till smooth
4. Beat the egg whites until frothy add in sugar gradually and beat until it stiff.
5. Add in the oreo crumb into the batter, mix well
6. Fold in 1/3 of the egg whites into the batter, and fold in the remaining egg whites gently. 
7. Pour the batter mixture into the 20cm chiffon mold,
8. Bake at 155C for 40 minutes.
9. Immediately invert it after removal from oven. Leave to cool. When cake is cold, remove from the chiffon mold.
10. Yummy orea chiffon cake is ready to serve, enjoy.
